Code Support/Bugs

OraNetted is a Oracle RDBMS based web scrapper application inspired by webharvest. I have used webharvest for a while but all the scripted glue code to keep things (cron -> sql to get url parameters -> webharvest -> insert data into database) in sync was not comfortable. So OraNetted is a all in one place solution, from scheduling to processing all the data. It has a plug in system which is extend able with PL/SQL, Java or C/C++. The Development status is alpha, the application can be installed from source or by a database dump. The source code is managed with OraSVN.

Visual Concept
Redo Concept
Action Handler (Plug In System)

Visual Concept of OraNetted:

Redo Concept:
Every step from executing a scheduled job to parsing the downloaded data can be redone. Since every download (binary compressed) and its parameters (get/post) is stored you can every time re-download or re execute actions with a single command.

You can use varialbes in URL, URL-Header,Post-Parameters and in your Action-XML. There are two types of variables simple ones (i.e. ${simple_variable}) and function based variables (i.e. $${sysdate}). Note: variables are stored as varchar2(4000). So no Objects or LOBs are supported at this time. There are some workarounds:
- If you need Objects you can serialize them (via xml) using XMLType.toObject function.
- For LOBs you can pass your varibale piece wise or as an ID of a clob stored in a temp table.
Variables can be set and read via variable# package. Variables can also be set in the download procedure using: download.url('your_url', 'your_vairable=lala,another_variable=23'), by the netted_api or via var tag in the actionml

Action Handler:
The parsing actions are defined in a XML document (webharvest like). You can use this following actions. As a scripting engine you can use pl/sql syntax code. If non of those action fits your needs you can develop your own plug in using C/C++, PL/SQL or Java (note: Java is not available in Oracle XE). A plug in developer tutorial will be found here.

Sample Action XML:
      <plsql type_in="number" type_return="number">
           for tupl in (
             select attr_val from xml_tag_attr where mod(id,1) = content
               and attr='href' and attr_val like '%.csv')
                 i_url_name        => 'scoach_eod2'
                ,i_url_parameters  => 'target=' || tupl.attr_val
                ,i_calender_string => null
                ,i_parent_id       => variables#.get_val('current_downloaded_id')
           end loop;         
           return content;

More details working with action handler is described in the OraNetted wiki.

Since html is not xml, xml parsing will fail in the most issues. The really bad is, even when you clean xml trough tidy or something similar you will potentially run into XML exceptions. In example when some xml attribute values exceed 4000 chars (see http://www.scoach.ch/ 's html code in example). So OraNetted contains a simple (not fully featured but good enough) pl/sql implementation of a html dom. Html gets parsed into relational temporary tables (xml_tag_val and xml_tag_attr). From here you can query your prior html with simple SQL, you should be able to do the most XPath queries with SQL.

Here are Some Screenshots:
Defining a URL with one Variable
Defining a URL with one Variable

Defining an Action holding a function based Variable and a simple one
Defining an Action holding one function based Variable

Executing the Downloader
Executing the Downloader